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Jailbreak Rules


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  1.  CTs are guards and Ts are prisoners. Guards must have a mic and they must use it! Prisoners’ mics are muted unless they have admin/donor status.
  2.  We prefer guards to be in highschool, as there are multiple complaints about little kids being guards. But we do have exceptions if you prove yourself to be a reliable/good guard. If complaints arise, it will be up to the admins discretion to keep or transfer the guard.
  3.  Guards give orders and prisoners can choose to OBEY or REBEL. If you are a prisoner and you choose to REBEL then the guards can kill you.
  4.  For a prisoner to rebel, he/she must disobey orders, be currently in a restricted area, attack a guard, or aim a gun at a guard. Note: Knifing the area around a guard does not mean you’ve attacked them.
  5.  There should only be one guard commanding at a time. All other guards must remain quiet unless enforcing a rule. The commanding guard may allow another commander to take his place.
  6.  Do NOT become a Guard if all you know how to do is first/last reaction, or you're too trigger happy to the point where people start to leave. If the first thing you do when you become a Guard is first/last reaction, you will be transferred.
  7.  Guards who kill prisoners without a VALID REASON are considered to be FREEKILLERS. This behavior will result in being warned/kicked/banned.
  8. Prisoners who are freekilled will receive a FREEDAY the following day. Those with freedays should not involve themselves with the prisoners’ activities that day, or they may lose their freeday.
  9. A guard must actually see a prisoner kill/attack another guard to be able to shoot him. If the guard only hears another guard die, he cannot do anything about it.
  10. Prisoners carrying weapons is not rebelling unless: the guards state it is, they are seen shooting/aiming at a guard, or were told not to pick it up.
  11. Guards who TAUNT prisoners are allowed to be killed. Taunting range is stationary knifing range or stepping foot where prisoners are currently being held.
  12. Guards cannot ASSUME a prisoner has a gun. Guards can only do something if they see something with their own eyes.
  13. If a prisoner is seen with a gun, the guard must warn the prisoner to drop the gun and countdown from 5 to 0 before they can shoot. If a guard only says to drop the gun, he cannot kill the prisoner if the gun is picked back up. There must be another command saying the prisoner cannot pick the gun back up.
  14. Guards should take turns calling the day.
  15. The ratio we like to enforce is a 1:2 CT:T. So if the ratio is fair, do NOT ask an admin to transfer you unless a guard is willing to switch with you. If the ratio is unbalanced, it becomes a Ratio Freeday, where guards must transfer to the prisoner team as they die, until the ratio is back to normal.
  16. If cells are not opened by 8:00, it is an UNRESTRICTED FREEDAY! Special days must be chosen before 7:30.
  17. Guards CANNOT camp in the gun room.
  18. Guards CANNOT open vents, unless actually stuck in a vent. Guards may shoot prisoners in vents if the vent is see-through.
  19. The armory/gun room and vents are ALWAYS restricted, even on FREEDAYS.
  20. No camping vents AT ALL. They are to only be used as a means of going from one place to another. NOT to sit in.
  21. The use of grenades by prisoners is NOT considered rebelling.
  22. Do NOT ghost. Ghosting is when you are dead and reveal somebody’s location. Ghosting is only allowed if a person is AFK or CAMPING IN VENTS. Ghosting is also allowed if a prisoner is delaying and wasting everyone’s time.
  23. Guards cannot give prisoners weapons. This may get you CT banned or switched.
  24. If there is more than one prisoner left alive at 0:00 it's an unrestricted freeday.
  25. Commands given on restricted freedays may only be called before the cells are open.
  26. On restricted freedays you can only restrict two rooms/hallways. They can be right next to each other. You CANNOT restrict cells or cell hallway. You can also not restrict the main room next to cells as this just makes it so everyone wastes the dead people/spectators waiting to play time.
  27. Racism or any discrimination meant in a disrespectful manner isn't tolerated.
  28. All commands given by guards require a reasonable amount of time to be completed.
  29. No HACKING or CHEATING of any kind. This includes using scripts.
  30. No inappropriate sprays.
  31. No glitching maps. This includes cells, guns, doors, etc. If cells become glitched, the day called is still valid, regardless if its past 8:00.
  32. Prisoners who are AFK and do not leave their cell before they close are considered to be DELAYING (rebelling). If a guard kills a prisoner when they are still in their cells after most Prisoners are already in cage that is not a freekill.
  33. If you are a donor or spectating, only talk after the day is called and don't interrupt Guards calling the day. You may run the risk of being gagged if you talk too much and can't effectively use chat text.
  34. If you're out of the cells before they are opened you're considered to be rebelling.
  35. Do not spam your flash light during HideNSeek Day.
  36. Collateral damage is NEVER in effect. Guards must always be careful of who they shoot. Killing anyone by accident is always a freekill. 
  37. Guards must be able to see the prisoner they are shooting. They CANNOT shoot through walls unless it’s a special day.
  38. Prisoners killed by the map/deathrun is not a freekill. Only if they are deliberately ordered somewhere that kills them without cause do they get a freeday. (For example: Prisoners running along deathrun on a freeday that get killed by someone pushing a button is not a freekill. No one was forcing them to be there to begin with. Only if a guard forces prisoners to be on a spot that, when a button is pushed, will kill them, is it considered a freekill). THIS APPLIES TO TEAM KILLERS AS WELL.
  39. If at any time, a special day glitches and you are able to do something you're not suppose to, do NOT abuse it. Continue playing as best you can as though it didn't happen.
  40. If you are about to die for reblling or failing to complete a task, buying a freeday at the spur of the moment will not save you from being killed. So don't waste your points.
  41. On maps with a 6 Man Target Range, do NOT nade the targets before the event occurs, causing everyone to die.
  42. For those that can use paint lines: If a Guard is using paint to help control prisoners, do NOT use paint to affect what the commander is trying to do, or you will be killed.
  43. Guards are not allowed to kill themselves if they lose in last request.

Simon Says Rules 

  1. When one guard says, "Simon says I'm Simon", he/she is Simon. No one else should be talking except for that guard unless you're enforcing a command.
  2. To become Simon you must say, "Simon says I'm Simon".
  3. To end Simon Says you must say, "Simon says Simon Says is over".
  4. In order for you to pass Simon Says to another guard you must say, "Simon Says nameofct is Simon".
  5. You must count down from 5 when giving a Simon says command and you must count down all the way to 0.
  6. If you're giving a Simon says command that requires more than 5 seconds to complete you must give the prisoners enough time to execute your command(s).
  7. You cannot stack Simon says commands. IE: You can say Simon says freeze inside of the middle of the cage. If you say Simon says jump after that then all they have to do is jump. They no longer have to be frozen unless you say Simon Says jump and freeze afterwords.
  8. It doesn't matter what you say about anything before you call Simon, even if you say stay inside the cage. If you clearly say Simon says get on my right table, it can be any right table even if it's outside of the cage.
  9. If Simon has not been started, it doesn’t matter if you say, “Simon says jump” even though you are not Simon, the prisoners must still jump. The fact that you are not Simon, does not exclude the fact that you still told the prisoners to jump in your statement.
  10. Do NOT kill people for following a command that Simon did not say to do, when prisoners have not broken the current command in place. (Example: If a guard becomes Simon, and then says "Line up in the middle of the cage" without saying 'Simon says', no one should be killed, regardless if they lined up or not. That guard as Simon, has not yet made a command that, if broken, will cause prisoners to be rebelling. Because no command has yet been made to contain prisoners in a fixed location or maintain a current activity, the prisoners are free to move about the cage (or area of confinement) as they please until Simon has actually issued a command.)

Red Light, Green Light Rules 

  1. Green light means run, Yellow light means walk, Red light means stop.
  2. You can be killed for deviating in any way from what you're suppose to be doing. NO warnings.
  3. The whole phrase "Green Light" "Yellow Light" and "Red Light" must be said in order to be valid. Guards cannot just say Green, Yellow, and Red.
  4. Guards CANNOT say anything that rhymes with any of the lights.
  5. Only one guard should be giving orders. All other guards must remain quiet throughout Red Light, Green Light.

Last Request Rules aka /LR 

  1. Prisoners have 15 seconds to /lr or they can be killed.
  2. Prisoners have 30 seconds to explain their rules if they have any.
  3. All rules must be fair and equal.
  4. There is no healing in Last Request.
  5. No giving unfair rules like CROUCHING AND CROUCHING ONLY or GET IN THIS SMALL ROOM AND STAY IN THIS SMALL ROOM or GET ON THIS SPRAY AND STAY ON THIS SPRAY. You must give a player a reasonable amount of space and speed to give them a fair chance of winning.

Last Request Options 


  • Knife Battle: 
    • Prisoner chooses a knife battle with 35, 100, or 250 health points. Prisoner and Guard will knife it out until one is dead.
  • Shot 4 Shot:
    • Prisoner can state rules briefly before battle begins. Prisoner and Guard take turns shooting at each other with selected weapon until one is dead.
  • Grenade Battle:
    • Prisoner and Guard will attack each other with HE grenades until one dies. Health is set to 200 health points.
  • Scout Battle:
    • Prisoner and guard will attack each other with scouts until one dies.
  • Spray Contest:
    • Prisoner chooses highest/lowest/furthest spray at desired location. Prisoner may be more specific. The loser dies.
  • Gun Toss:
    • Prisoner and Guard will see who can toss their weapon furthest based on rules given. Standard rules are both players jumping from the same ledge into pool, and tossing weapon before touching the water.
  • Nade Toss:
    • Prisoner and Guard will see who can throw their nade the furthest based on rules given.
  • Race:
    • Prisoner and guard have an even race based on prisoners rules. The loser dies.
  • Shotgun Battle: 
    • Prisoner and guard will attack each other with shotguns until one dies. Health is set to 500 health points.
  • Showdown Battle: 
    • Prisoner and guard will line up back to back. The prisoner types /showdown to start the /lr. Both follow the directions given.
  • Global War: 
    • Everyone has 5 seconds to prepare for a free-for-all with an M4A1 and Deagle.
  • Custom Request: 
    • Prisoner may perform a custom last request (Examples: Russian Roulette, Soccer Game, etc).
  • Special Choice: 
    • Prisoner can choose tomorrow’s special day. To end the round, Prisoner may be killed/rebel.


  • Rambo: (Requires 3 living Guards)
    • Prisoner has chosen to rebel and is given a machine gun and 250 HP.
  • Deagle Dude: (Requires 3 living Guards)
    • Prisoner has chosen to rebel and is given a deagle and 500 HP.
  • Crazy Terrorist: (Requires 2 living Guards)
    • Prisoner has chosen to rebel and is given an AK-47, stealth, and 1 HP.
  • The Hidden: (Requires 3 living Guards)
    • Prisoner has chosen to rebel and is given stealth. Everyone has 100 HP and a knife. Guards must kill the him before time runs out, or else they die.

Special Days Rules 

  • Cage Day:
    • This is the most general day there is. Prisoners are to report to the cage. Once in the cage, prisoners are free to do as they please in the cage unless told otherwise.
  • Free Day:
    • Prisoners are free to do as they please throughout the day, so long as they do not rebel.
  • Restricted Free Day:
    • Guards call a restriction. Prisoners are free to do as they please throughout the day, so long as they do not rebel.
  • Prisoner Zombie Day:
    • Prisoners are zombies and get 2000 health points while guards just have 100 hp. Zombies must hunt down the Guards. Do NOT camp in cells, forced crouched areas, kz rooms, or directly over a ladder.
  • Guard Zombie Day:
    • Guards are zombies and get 4000 health points while prisoners just have 100 hp. Zombies must hunt down the Guards. Do NOT camp in cells, forced crouched areas, kz rooms, or directly over a ladder.
  • Guard Night Crawler Day:
    • Guards are invisible with 150 hp using their knives to kill prisoners as they defend themselves with provided weapons. Do NOT camp in cells, forced crouched areas, kz rooms, or directly over a ladder.
  • Prisoner Night Crawler Day:
    • Prisoners are invisible with 150 hp using their knives to kill guards as they defend themselves with provided weapons. Do NOT camp in cells, forced crouched areas, kz rooms, or directly over a ladder.
  • Lava Day:
    • The only safe zone for Prisoners is on top of a spray. Guards may give more detailed rules when the day is called.
  • Guard Shark Day:
    • Guards are sharks and move through objects with only knives. Prisoners must survive with their awps!
  • Prisoner Shark Day:
    • Prisoners are sharks and move through objects with only knives. Guards must survive with their awps!
  • Low Gravity Day:
    • Low gravity is set throughout the whole day. Guards call however they feel appropriate.
  • High Gravity Day:
    • High gravity is set throughout the whole day. Guards call however they feel appropriate.
  • Prisoner Spartan Day:
    • Prisoners are given shields and deagles while guards are given rifles and deagles. Spartans have 150 hp and shoot on-sight.
  • Guard Spartan Day:
    • Guards are given shields and deagles while prisoners are given rifles and deagles. Spartans have 150 hp and shoot on-sight.
  • Free-For-All DeathMatch Day:
    • This is preferably chosen when prisoners are set in desired location. Prisoners must battle out amongst themselves until one remains.
  • Team DeathMatch Day:
    • Prisoners are split into Red and Blue teams and must battle out amongst themselves. Once a team wins, the final 2 members may turn on each other.
  • Multi Team DeathMatch Day:
    • Prisoners are split into Red, Blue, and Green teams and must battle out amongst themselves. Once a team wins, the final 2 members may turn on each other.
  • Team Day:
    • Prisoners are split into 2 or 3 teams. Guards call however they feel appropriate.
  • Free-For-All Gang Day:
    • This is preferably chosen when prisoners are set in desired location. Prisoners must battle out amongst themselves with TMPs until one remains.
  • Team Gang Day:
    • Prisoners are split into Red and Blue gangs and must battle out amongst themselves with TMPs. Once a gang wins, the final 2 members may turn on each other.
  • Multi Team Gang Day:
    • Prisoners are split into Red Blue, and Green gangs and must battle out amongst themselves with TMPs. Once a gang wins, the final 2 members may turn on each other.
  • USP Ninja Day:
    • Everyone has a silenced USP and silent footsteps. Guards have 150 HP. Both teams must keep their silencer on and can shoot on-sight!
  • Dodgeball Day:
    • Everyone is equipped with unlimited nades. Nade the other team to death.
  • Space Day:
    • Prisoners have scouts. Guards have awps. Both teams shoot on-sight.
  • War Day:
    • Guards have 200 HP. Everyone has random weapons. Both teams shoot on-sight.
  • Cowboy Day:
    • Guards have 250 HP. Everyone has elites. Both teams shoot on-sight.
  • HideNSeek Day:
    • After cells open, Prisoners have 1 minute to hide until they are hunted down. Do NOT camp in vents.
  • Soap Day:
    • A random pointless day which will depend on how the Guard wants to run the day. Usually involves a Prisoner dropping the soap in the showers.
  • Riot Day:
    • One Prisoner is given weapons. Guards will now give rules..
  • Guard VIP Day:
    • Prisoners have weapons. One Guard is the VIP with a USP, 500 HP and 200 Armor. The round ends if he dies.
  • Prisoner VIP Day:
    • All Prisoners have deagles. One Prisoner is the VIP with 200 HP. The round ends if he dies.
  • Silent Day:
    • Prisoners must be silent throughout the day. They may be killed for making any noise.
  • Prisoner Ghostbuster Day:
    • Prisoners have knives, 200 HP, are see-through, and move through objects. Guards have machine guns. Both teams must kill the other.
  • Guard Ghostbuster Day:
    • Guards have knives, 400 HP, are see-through, and move through objects. Prisoners have machine guns. Both teams must kill the other.
  • Prisoner Nemesis Day:
    • Prisoners have 4,000, low gravity, and long jump. Guards have unlimited ammo. Kill the Nemesis! Do NOT camp directly over a ladder.
  • Guard Nemesis Day:
    • Guards have 10,000 HP, low gravity, and long jump. Prisoners have unlimited ammo. Kill the Nemesis! Do NOT camp directly over a ladder.
  • Knife Day:
    • Guards have 135 HP. Prisoners have 35 HP.Both teams will ensue in a knife battle to the death.
  • Shotgun Battle Day:
    • Guards have 500 HP. Prisoners have 250 HP.Both teams must kill the other with their shotguns!
  • War Day:
    • Guards have 200 HP. Everyone has a random weapon. Both teams shoot on sight!
  • Battle Day:
    • Guards have 200 HP. Everyone has the same weapon. Both teams shoot on sight!
  • Headshot Battle Day:
    • Guards have 200 HP. Everyone has the same weapon and can only die from a headshot. Both teams shoot on sight!

/Shop Rules 

  1. Prisoners are the only ones allowed to use shop. Guards should not be using it.
  2. If a prisoner buys Stealth, Camouflage, a Fiveseven, or a USP, they are considered rebelling and can be killed.
  3. Prisoners are limited to buying only 1 frag grenade and 1 flash grenade per day.
  4. Prisoners may only buy 1 Freeday every 5 days.
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